Quercus is doing its part for men’s health this Movember

“Worldwide, men die six years younger than women. It doesn’t have to be this way. Fixing it is what Movember is all about”

If you’ve ever wondered why you start seeing so many more moustachioed men during November, here’s the reason: it’s Movember time. Movember is the leading charity that deals with crises in men’s health, and Quercus is proud to be doing its part this year by signing up.

It’s simple: we all grow moustaches for the month (no shaving allowed), and you sponsor us to do it. If that’s enough of a sell for you, you can find our sponsorship link at the bottom of this article – go ahead and skip the rest if you like.

But, if you want to know a little bit more about the cause we’re fighting for, here are some details:

Men die, on average, six years younger than women. There are multiple causes for this disparity, but many of them are preventable. The Movember Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of the reasons behind these avoidable deaths: testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and mental health issues.

At 50, you should talk to your doctor about prostate health (45 if it runs in the family or you’re black). Testicular cancer, meanwhile, tends to be more common in younger men of all races.

Clinical tests for these diseases might not be appealing, but it’s worth remembering that millions of men in Britain regularly undergo them, and the idea is far worse than the reality. What’s more, the risk you’re taking by not confronting these issues if-and-when they appear is massive.

In the UK, around 60 men die from testicular cancer each year. And worldwide, one in every 41 men will die from prostate cancer. But here’s the kicker: both of these diseases are highly treatable forms of cancer. If you get treatment, the chances are you will survive to live a normal life.

Men’s health is not just physical: every minute, a man kills himself. And three out of every four suicides are committed by men. As a society, we badly need to stop encouraging men to be ‘strong and silent’ and start listening to their problems.

We’re passionate about challenging the status quo when it comes to men’s health, and making a better future for our sons – as well as all the people (male and female) that touch their lives. If you feel the same way, then please think about contributing to our Movember campaign. The link is here, and every little helps: https://mobro.co/quercusfp